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SARIS 65 years

Tim den Breejen

SARIS Aanhangers celebrates its 65th anniversary this year. We look back on a rich history of growth and beautiful products. But what truly makes our company special? It’s our loyal employees who work at SARIS every day with dedication and commitment.

Loyal employees

who are much appreciated!

In the coming months, one of our valued team members will be featured each month in a series of inspiring stories. Discover the people behind SARIS and learn more about their unique individual contributions to our success story!

A flying start at SARIS

Tim den Breejen started as Product Manager at SARIS Aanhangers B.V. on February 1, 2022. His move to SARIS was not entirely planned, but it did come at a time when he was missing the challenge in his then position. “I worked at VDL Bus & Coach at the time, but the market was only recovering slowly from the corona crisis and many projects were at a standstill. As a result, it became less and less challenging,” says Tim. When he was approached by a recruiter via LinkedIn for a position at SARIS, he did not hesitate for long.

“The trailer business was doing well at the time, especially thanks to corona. The company was looking for someone to give a more commercial interpretation to the role of product manager, where it had previously mainly been filled from an engineering perspective. I really saw opportunities here to work more market-oriented and to focus on the customer’s wishes.”

Tim den Breejen, Product & Marketing Manager
"It really feels like a family here. (...) Everyone works together towards the same goal, with everyone's own input and qualities."
Tim den Breejen
Product & Marketing Manager

Dynamism & freedom

When Tim first walked into SARIS, he noticed that some things felt a bit dated. “But the meeting room looked modern and a large-scale upgrade of the office was already planned, which would bring the working environment up to date in no time.” SARIS was new territory for him; he was not from the region and did not know the brand well. Nevertheless, he quickly became interested. “The concept of the trailers, the large volumes, a standardized product with a wide range – that immediately appealed to me. The discussions went well and I got the job!”

Quick start, versatile tasks

Tim had to get started right away. “When I started, I was given an A4 with tasks that had to be done quickly, including a new layout of the price list. I was immediately included in all the meetings and projects, and that gave me a flying start.”

One of the larger projects that Tim contributed to was the IT project SANA BC. “Because of my background in IT and my knowledge of Excel, I was quickly involved in the working group. It was nice to be able to use my previous experience so directly.”

Working together in a close atmosphere

When you ask Tim how he experiences the culture at SARIS, he speaks full of praise. “It really feels like a family here. We have about 90 colleagues, a nice mix of old hands in the trade and many young people, and that creates a nice vibe. Everyone works together towards the same goal, with everyone’s own input and qualities. There is no strict hierarchy, the atmosphere is open and friendly. You can always drop in on someone for a chat or a meeting. It really feels like you are building the products and the future of the company together.”

Room for growth & development

In February 2022, Tim started as Product Manager, but quickly grew into Product & Marketing Manager. “I now manage a small team, and that works well.” He also had the opportunity to follow a leadership training, and has now also developed into an Account Manager for Finland. “SARIS offers a huge number of opportunities. If you indicate that you want something, they always look at how that can be achieved. There is a lot of room for personal growth and development. The great thing about SARIS is that if your interests change, the company is also open to that. They really think along with you, and that feels very nice.” All in all, Tim is satisfied with his place within the company. “Also, the employment conditions are well arranged, and you get great opportunities to grow here!”