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“An indestructible trailer!”

Our users

Nothing and no one can convince you of our quality better than the people who use our products. Today we tell Marcel’s story!

Indestructible trailer: in the family for half a century!

A while ago Marcel sent us an email in which he enthusiastically and proudly announced that his family has owned a SARIS G3 trailer since 1972. For over 50 years! Of course we wanted to know more about that. And so we visited Marcel and his father Jan near Eindhoven. We heard a great family story in which our SARIS trailer plays a leading role.

How it started

It is 1972. An uncle of Marcel (Jan’s brother-in-law) purchased a SARIS luggage trailer from 1964. Initially mainly intended for holidays. The family left for Trier, provided with the trailer’s title deed. They had a great holiday. Because the uncle was a carpenter by profession, the trailer also served as a tool trolley. The trailer was transferred to another brother-in-law in the early 1980s. He used the trailer for four years until he moved to America.

Can't be broken

Around 1985 the trailer went to Jan, as the third owner of the family. And that made an impression. Jan says: “I used the trailer very regularly and once even collected concrete from the concrete plant in Veghel. Well, then you see the trailer lowering. I checked with my hand under the mudguard whether there was still room for the tires*. Then I accidentally ended up on a closed back road. Panic. I had to turn around with the car and a trailer that was much too heavily loaded! With some antics on the roadside, things went just fine. Fortunately, both the car and the trailer emerged from this predicament unscathed.”

*We strongly discourage this! Always check the maximum loading capacity for safe use of your trailer.

Referentie Marcel Aanhanger
“We have made countless trips and never had a breakdown.”
Marcel – SARIS customer

Countless kilometers

Marcel continues: “I bought a house in 2000. Since then I have gratefully used the trailer many times. My father has driven back and forth countless times to the recycling center for household and garden waste. We also went on holiday to Austria and Luxembourg a few times. Then the handyman trailer turned into a holiday trailer. And the trailer is also useful for my current renovation. Unbelieveable!”

Minimal maintenance

Jan: “We haven’t done much in terms of maintenance. Just a few new tires and a new floor. Because the legal requirements changed, the electrical installation has been slightly adjusted. We have installed a rear fog light and made a change to the tow bar/plug connection. We have often taken rubble to the dump with the trailer. And we’ve never had any bad luck. For the time being, the trailer will remain in the family!”

Marcel continues: “It may make a difference that the trailer has always been stored indoors. I am now building a carport and our trailer will also get a special place there. One thing is certain. This SARIS trailer is absolutely worth it.”